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Lost Goat Lane
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finlandia Prize Nominees (2009-10)

From Finland Literature Exchange "FILI" newsletter accessed 11/21/09. FILI: A World of Books. FILI is an expert and export organisation, which supports the translation, printing and publication of literature and promotes the awareness of Finnish literature abroad.

The Finnish Book Foundation has announced the shortlist of novels, children’s books and non-fiction books that are nominated for this year’s Finlandia Prize, Finland’s most prestigious literary award. The award sum is 30,000 euros.

Finlandia Prize nominees 2010
Joel Haahtela: Katoamispiste (“Vanishing point”, Otava)
Markus Nummi: Karkkipäivä (“Candy day”, Otava)
Riikka Pulkkinen: Totta (“True”, Otava)
Mikko Rimminen: Nenäpäivä (“Nose day”, Teos)
Alexandra Salmela: 27 Eli kuolema tekee taiteilijan (“27, or death makes an artist”, Teos)
Erik Wahlström: Flugtämjaren (“The fly tamer”, Schildts)

The 2009 Finlandia Prize Nominees

Turkka Hautala: Salo (Gummerus)
Kari Hotakainen: Ihmisen osa (The Human Lot, Siltala)
Antti Hyry: Uuni (The Oven, Otava)
Marko Kilpi: Kadotetut (The Lost Ones, Gummerus)
Merete Mazzarella: Ingen saknad, ingen sorg (No regret, no sorrow, Söderströms / Atlantis)
Tommi Melender: Ranskalainen ystävä (The French Friend, WSOY)

The 2009 Finlandia Junior Nominees
Siiri Enoranta: Omenmean vallanhaltija (The Ruler of Omenmea, Robustos)
Antti Halme: Metalliveljet (Metal Brothers, Otava)
Juba: Minerva, Jääkarhun sydän (Minerva: The Polar Bear’s Heart, Otava)
Mari Kujanpää: Minä ja Muro (Muro and Me, Illustrated by Aino-Maija Metsola, Otava)
Paula Noronen: Emilian päiväkirja. Supermarsu pelastaa silakat. (Emilia’s Diary: Superguinea Rescues the Herring, Illustrated by Pauliina Mäkelä, Gummerus)
Maria Turtschaninoff: Arra. Legender från Lavora (Arra: Legends of Lavora, Söderströms)

The 2009 Tieto-Finlandia Prize for Non-Fiction Nominees
Hollmén, Roope: Juuret Karjalassa (Roots in Karelia, Facto)
Laurell Seppo (primary author): Valo merellä. Suomen majakat 1753-1906 (Light on the Sea: Finnish Lighthouses 1753-1906, with photography by Petri Porkola, Swedish translation by Pär-Henrik Sjöström, John Nurmisen Säätiö)
Maasola, Juha: Kirves (The Axe, Maahenki)
Parpola, Antti - Åberg,Veijo: Metsävaltio. Metsähallitus ja Suomi 1859-2009 (A Forest Nation: The Finnish Forest and Park Service, 1859-2009, Edita)
Tandefelt, Henrika: Borgå 1809. Ceremoni och fest. SLS.
Porvoo 1809. Juhlamenoja ja tanssiaisia (Porvoo 1809: Festivals and Balls, SKS, Finnish translation by Jussi T. Lappalainen)
Ylikangas, Mikko: Unileipää, kuolonvettä, spiidiä. Huumeet Suomessa 1800-1950 (Sleepbread, Deathwater, Speed: Drugs in Finland, 1800-1950, Atena)

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