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The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia
The Vanishing of Katharina Linden
Only You Can Save Mankind
Nice and Mean
Cruisers Book 1
The City of Ember
Crispin: The End of Time
Lost Goat Lane
Amelia Rules! Volume 1: The Whole World's Crazy
How I, Nicky Flynn, Finally Get a Life
As Simple as It Seems
Wolf Brother
The Ogre of Oglefort
The Pickle King

Catherine 's favorite books »

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Milkweed Prize (1988-2007)

Milkweed has restructured the prize: in the past we have solicited manuscripts specifically for the contest, but for all future contests, Milkweed Editions will award the National Fiction Prize to the best work of fiction Milkweed accepts for publication during each calendar year by a writer not previously published by Milkweed Editions. Submission directly to the contest is no longer necessary. Since we will now be choosing the winner from the manuscripts we accept for publication during a given year, all manuscripts submitted to Milkweed will automatically be considered for the prize. Judging will be by Milkweed Editions editors, and the winner of the prize will receive a $5,000 cash advance as part of any royalties agreed upon in the contractual arrangement negotiated at the time of acceptance.

The Milkweed Prize Milkweed Editions periodically awards two prizes for fiction writing: the Milkweed National Fiction Prize and the Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature. The prizes are awarded for the best general fiction and for the best fiction for middle-grade readers, ages 8 to 13, by a writer not previously published by Milkweed. The prizes for 2008 will be cash advances against royalties in the amounts of $5,000 for fiction and $10,000 for children’s literature.

Milkweed National Fiction Prize

Milkweed seeks manuscripts of high literary quality that embody humane values and contribute to cultural understanding for the National Fiction Prize


* 2007 The Farther Shore by Matthew Eck
* 2006 Visigoth by Gary Amdahl
* 2005 Crossing Bully Creek by Margaret Erhart
* 2004 Ordinary Wolves by Seth Kantner
* 2002 Roofwalker by Susan Power
* 2001 Hell's Bottom, Colorado by Laura Pritchett
* 1999 Falling Dark by Tim Tharp
* 1998 Tivolem by Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
* 1997 The Tree of Red Stars by Tessa Bridal
* 1996 The Empress of One by Faith Sullivan
* 1995 Confidence of the Heart by David Schweidel
* 1993 Montana 1948 by Larry Watson
* 1992 Larabi's Ox by Tony Ardizzone
* 1990 Aquaboogie by Susan Straight
* 1989 Blue Taxis by Eileen Drew
* 1988 Ganado Red by Susan Lowell

Milkweed Prize for Children’s Literature

The goal of the Prize for Children's Literature is to encourage both writers of children’s literature and writers of books for adults to turn their attention to creating books for this discriminating and important group of readers. At this age, readers are ready for well-written books that range widely in subject matter, from fantasy, to fiction grounded in history, to books about everyday life.


* 2007 The Linden Tree by Ellie Mathews
* 2005 Trudy by Jessica Lee Anderson
* 2004 Perfect by Natasha Friend
* 2001 Parents Wanted by George Harrar
* 2000 The $66 Summer by John Armistead
* 1999 The Ocean Within by V. M. Caldwell
* 1998 The Dog with Golden Eyes by Frances Wilbur
* 1996 Behind the Bedroom Wall by Laura E. Williams
* 1995 The Summer of the Bonepile Monster by Aileen Kilgore Henderson
* 1994 A Bride for Anna's Papa by Isabel R. Marvin

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